Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Smoke Signals, the movie dialogue

What do I think about the relationship between Thomas and Victor?

In the beginning, Thomas a Victor were kids.  Thomas was a nerd whose father passed away from a fire.  Thomas and his mother were left by themselves.  Thomas and Victor didn't like each other much as kids but they somewhat tollerated each other in certain circumstances.  Victors father was a raging alchoholic who soon left his family.  Both kids were left without dads.  Victor's mom got a phone call that Thomas's father had passes away.  Thomas talked Victor into going to where his dad passds away.  Victor didn't have the money so Thomas insisted on paying but with one alternative in mind........that he gets to go.  Victor wasn't too happy about Thomas going but in the end I think he was glad he did.
I believe they had a unique friendship.  They tought each other a lot about what a friend is.  Thomas taught Victor that no matter how dorky you are, you are a true good person and friend.  Victor learned that even though Thomas was a nerdy guy that it didn't matter.  This is the feeling I got from the movie.  Victor was harsh in his words towards Thomas but I believe he just had a lot of anger from the abuse he had sustained from his father.  I felt they had a special bond because they both had lost their father.
I truely sympathised with this story because I lived a similar life as these boys.  I had a friend who I grew up with and have known since we were 7 years old.  Today we are 41.  Growing up our family lives were not so pleasant, but we had each other and that's all that mattered in the end. I will always have that bond with my dear friend and I am sure Victor and Thomas will as well.

Dina Dodd


  1. Hi Dina,

    Thomas and Victor remind me of brothers; they love and hate each other. Since they live on the reservation, they can't get away from the other; they also share culture, language and history. Both also look to Arnold to be a "father."

    What's interesting about the characters' development is the way both lose their families in the fire. Thomas literally loses his parents, while Victor loses them metaphorically. Arnold's grief eats away at his spirit.

    I wonder what you all think about Arnold's decision to not tell people the truth about what happened? Does he try to tell the truth? Is he living a lie? Is his "spirit commit[ting] treason"? What about the consequences of lies on an individual's family, as we see in this film?

    Thanks for giving me more to think about.

    Take care,

  2. To Dina:
    Love, hate relationships always have puzzled me...we all have them at one time it seems. Especially since these are both two strong emotions.
    I truly think that the relationship between sisters is the most complex on earth. One thing every women will agree on that has a sister, I know this myself...Sisters are a mixed blessing!! They stick through thick and thin, and at the same time the one who will stick the knife in, stealing everything from you ...but defend you to the end!! No one can hurt you like a sister..I imagine that is what Victor and Thomas went through.
    Thank you for giving me these thoughts!! Also the reading

  3. Hello, yes Thomas and victor started with a rough childhood. They both had to grow up, not having happiness, but lived there lives anyway. They both had someone to watch over them, Thomas had his grandmother, and Victor had his mother.

    It was sad to watch how victor's dad passed away, not seeing him for the last time. When the father left, it was not a good way to leave because, he left unsettled things behind.

    Even though Victor's father abused him and was an alcoholic towards victor, he must have loved his dad a lot. It was sad to have his dad leave this world without making up as a family. Victor grew strong and managed to get through all of it. Thomas seemed like a helpful, and nice person, who understands people. He only thought best of people. He helped Victor, by not feeling hurt about it.

    Thanks, Lesley

  4. Hello Dina,
    I think that Victor's dad treated Thomas with a lot of respect and love because he felt guilty of killing his parents in the fire. The admiration that Thomas had for Arnold bugged Victor because he knew an ugly side from his dad that Thomas didn't. Once Victor finds out that his dad was responsible for the fire, he learns to respect him and understands the way he acted towards Thomas. This also makes him understand Thomas' personality and acknowledge his good intentions .

  5. Good insights, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this and I agree with you, Growing up they always fought but I think we're closer and a lot stronger bond then both of them knew. And when they set out on their trip, they kind of started to grow closer. Victor would teach Thomas what it was like to be a real indian and the Thomas would teach Victor about being a kind and gentle person that it wasn't all about your appearance, even though Indians are stereotyped as tough people, Thomas seemed not to care as much as Victor and throughout the whole movie were teaching each other both things as they grew closer in friendship.

  6. I enjoyed your reading very much! You gave great descriptions about the relaionship between victor and thomas. I also believe that their relationship will continue to grow and the year go on and they become more and more mature. Thomas taught victor a lot about himself. The fact that its not always about you and your needs and that you need to care for one another. Thomas was a great influence towards victor and I believe that victors life would be completely different if it were not for thomas.

  7. I agree completely on all of this. I did the same question and I also felt that there friendship was very unique. They had many similarities and you mentioned that in your paper. They both were with out fathers and growing up without a father can greatly affect you mentally later in life. Good job on the short essay. I enjoyed it.


  8. Hi Dina,

    I agree with you. They really did teach eachother a lot about what a friend was. I also agree with you about why Victor was so harsh with his words. I too think it has something to do with the hardships he's had to deal with in his life, such as his father.

  9. I like how you related the characters relationship with you and your friend. It did take Victor a long time to realize how good a friend Thomas was even after he paid his way to get to Phoenix. Yes Victor was grateful however he was not so pleasant to Thomas throughout the trip. Not until the very end when they nearly died in the accident. At that point on is when they grew a stronger relationship and is when Victor realized just how important Thomas is.

  10. Dina,

    I agree with you I think that as kids they tolerated each other but when they went off for Victor's father's ashes they taught each other true friendship. I like the way you think. They do have a true friendship. The weird thing is their friendship is very different then the ones you see in most movies or t.v shows. Its almost like Victor has to insult Thomas just so they get along. But I bet its just their way of expressing they like the bond they have between each other.

