Monday, February 7, 2011

Essay 1 (Roughdraft)

This picture is truly amazing to me.  It holds my grandparents (Nonie and Buzzy)
and my children.  They all look so happy together.  This picture was taken during my
grandma’s 87th birthday party at my house.  It holds many thoughts and memories to me
and my children.
I love this picture so much because it has my grandma, grandpa and my five kids
together.  I have always been very close to my grandparents.  When I was a child I would
call my grandma from school and tell her I didn’t feel good just so that I could hang out
with her. So, seeing my kids with my grandparents is really special to me.  I really see
and feel the love in this picture.  I took this picture at my house while celebrating my
grandma’s 87th birthday party.  Looking at this picture is special to me since my
children all look so happy to be spending time with their great grandparents.  Also, my
daughter Mikayla looks extremely happy to be with her great grandparents.  She is
snuggled in closely with Buzzy which shows how much she cares about him.  She
doesn’t spend a lot of time with them and she is very shy a lot of the time so it’s nice to
see her showing her affection with them.  My grandma didn’t realize how loving Nathan
was until this day.   You can see in this picture how he is squeezing his Nonie. He kept
hugging her all day.  I see him hanging all over her while looking at this picture because
that is what he did all day long.  Dustin and Andrew seem to be close to their great
grandparents as well.  They seem to be happy to be close to them in this picture.   Tyler
doesn’t know them as well and the picture shows that.  He isn’t bonded with them as the
other kids are. Tyler just moved in with us about a year and a half ago so he doesn’t have
the great grandparent/great grandchild bond.  The picture shows how is isn’t as
comfortable as his brothers and sister are.  This picture will hold a lifetime of memoreies
for me and my kids.  This picture makes me want to go visit them.  We don’t see them a
lot and we live right down the road. I probably will go visit them tomorrow and give
them a copy of this picture.  I can’t wait to see my grandparents face when I give them a
blown up copy of this picture.  I also love this picture because I know my Nonie and
Buzzy are going to love it too.  They get so excited when we go to visit and especially
excited when I bring them pictures of them and the kids. A lot of people don’t ever get to
meet their great grandparents.  And, a lot of great-grandparents don’t ever get to meet
their great-grandchildren so this is especially sacred.
When looking at this picture it makes me sad at the same point.  This picture
shows how old my Nonie and Buzzy really are.  It reminds me of when we had to get his
food for him because he couldn’t get up out of that chair the entire day.  Everyone had to
go sit  next to Buzzy to take the picture because his back was hurting so bad.  It makes
me feel like since my grandparents are so old that this will be the last birthday party.  I
know that looking at the picture it could be the last picture I have of my grandparents and
my children.
There are so many precious memories I feel and see from looking at this picture. 
There are many things I can see in this picture that other people may not.  This is partially
why it is so important to me.  Also, just look at this picture and you can feel the love
between great-grandparents and great-grandchildren; even if you don’t know the story.  I
feel very lucky and thankful to have my grandparents here today.  Many people my age
don’t have their grandparents around anymore.   I will forever hold on to this picture in
my mind and in my heart.  I make sure I get pictures with my kids and my grandparents
every time we see them but, this picture has been the best picture by far.


  1. How did you get the picture on there? I can't figure it out. Also, wanted to say that my new baby's name is Mikayla. I will comment on your rough draft in a little bit.

  2. Hey,

    Were you able to figure out how to upload the picture? It gives you the option to browse through your picture and that's were you upload it. Please let me know.


  3. Yes I was able to get the picture on there. My computer was being retarded last night, but it worked today.

  4. Hello, I enjoyed reading this, I can feel you really love everyone! Some advice would be, You should talk about what is so memorable in each persons faces. You say everyone to you is special and you keep saying that youre thankful to have then, but you should talk about why they are special? what memories do they hold that make you remember? and lastly, tell us who is who in the picture! Overall I ENJOYED reading this. YOUR family must be heartwarming to one another, and I can feel that through your writing
    Thanks, LESLEY
