Thursday, March 10, 2011

Essay 2 Roughdraft

Anyone have a dad that was crazy about guns?  Sarah and I both had dad’s who were obsessed with guns and this is where I connected with her right away. Her and I share common interests in being hard headed as kids.  Also, we both had sister’s that were accepted by our dad’s.  Our sisters had a bond with dad that we didn’t have and it was very obvious to us.  Growing up we had a lot of similarities.

Growing up I was very hard headed in the sense that when I wanted to change schools, I did whatever I needed to do to go to that different school.  I would beg and beg and beg my mom everyday and would ask her what I needed to do in order to go to that school.  She told me I needed to get good grades and that’s what I did.  I got the good grades and I got to go to the school that I wanted to go to. When I wanted to quit gymnastics she told me I couldn’t.  I just flat out refused to go and I got my way.   In the story, Sarah is even more strong headed than me even.  She was set in her ways and didn’t have a problem letting her dad know that her love was for art.  Her parents allowed her to have a room of what she truly loved and that was music and art.  It was full of all the instruments she loved and she stuck to her feelings on her love for art.

My father had an obsession as so did Sarah’s dad. They both loved guns.  My father collected guns and wouldn’t go anywhere without a gun.  My father had me and my sister scared of guns.  I had a good reason to fear guns and it was because my father would walk around the house with a loaded shot gun telling us he was going to kill us.  I believe Sarah was afraid of the guns as well.  It was insinuated as the story was told about the loud noise of the gun.  As I was reading this story I felt as if that was a possibility. 

My sister always did what my dad told her to do.  She was much of a people pleaser just like Amy.  They were the “good children”.  My sister would shoot guns with my dad.  She would go fishing and hunting with him too.  Sarah’s sister is the same way.  Their dad wanted Amy to go shoot with him and she did.  They just did what their dads’ asked of them.  I believe Sarah and I must have felt some similar feelings with our sisters having a bond with our dad’s that we didn’t.  It wasn’t a good feeling.

As I read this story I felt there were some similarities between me and Sarah.  I could feel her passion when it came to art.  We both were hard headed kids that would get our way and make it known.  We were both hard headed kids and passionate about our beliefs and our feelings.  We would do what we had to, resulting in what we wanted.  We were both raised by a father who was obsessed by guns and didn’t want anything to do with them.  Also, we both had sisters that would do anything dad wanted them to do.  Our sisters were the “good” ones.  I definitely felt a connection to Sarah as I read this story.  As we got older and matured we realized that we had similar interests with our dad and it was just their love for an art as mine was to gymnastics and Sarah’s was to art.  Our dad’s art was their guns.  We just saw things in a different light as we got older.


  1. hello, What’s strong about the essay? You essay is strong because it shows the relation between you and Sarah. What else could the writer cite as evidence in this essay? You should also Quotes some examples of what Sarah said. It would make your essay seem like you have more evidence to back it up. what I Suggest is that you could extend the essay a little more, Writing more of how you guys show relation besides guns and father.
    Overall I DID enjoy reading your essay, I liked how you provided details to make your essay sound sense.

    Thank you, Lesley

  2. Hi Dina,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story. You did a great job at getting your feelings down on paper. What is the writer’s thesis? I believe your thesis is. “Her and I share common interests in being hard headed as kids. Next question is can you find the statement. Yes I think the statement is “Growing up we had a lot of similarities”. What other suggestions or feedback do you want to provide the writer? Dina, you did a great job on describing what you an Sarah had in common and what you felt you and Sarah had in common in regards to your fathers. However, you might want to take your sister out of the story, by leaving her in you jump from your essay being about Sarah and you and your dads to Sarah, you, dads and your sister. Your thesis or your statement really does not have anything to do with your sister. Hope this was helpful, and thanks again for sharing.

  3. It is during our teenage years that we need to be controlled most because this is the time when we chose our direction and choosing wrong direction may cost us our future. We also find our ideas completely different form our parents at this age. Once we are matured we will understand the differences.
    I really like your style of beginning the essay. I could find your thesis statement in the second sentence where you mentioned the similarity with Sarah. Most of your evidence provided does support your thesis. Like others I also want you to suggest for providing quotes for the original essay to support your evidence of similarity. I like your conclusion paragraph too where you have summarized the whole story of the essay.

  4. I think your thesis is the fact that you and Sarah were similar in many ways growing up and you stated it a couple times but not a clear firm statement but it is obvious. Your essay also works to develop the rest of your story which is good, you a little bit repetitive, maybe think of different ways to configure your sentencing but otherwise its good. Also you have good evidence in supporting your ideas that come straight from the story I thought you did a good job on that. In your conclusion you basically summarized your essay and it kinda put it all together, so other than the little things I think you have an overall good essay to work with.
