Monday, January 24, 2011

Rules For Writers chapter 46

The main ideas  I found in this chapter are read actively, jotting down questions and thoughts in the margrins.  Using a pencil instead of a highlighter that way you can underline key points and circle them.  If you need to go back you can go back and erase.  The other main point is after reading, rereading and annotating a text, try and outline it.  Draw a sketch and as you are drawing, pay attention to the texts central idea (thesis) and it's topic sentences.  The thesis is usually in the first or second paragraph.

I am definitely going to try using a pencil instead of a highlighter.  I started trying this while I was reading this chapter.  It actually worked out very well for me.  I was able to erase if needed and circle key points if needed.  I also love the sketching idea because this is the best way for me to learn.  I am a visual learner so sketching works great for me:-)  I started drawing pictures in my book to help me visualize during this chapter.  I really enjoyed this excercise. 

It's funny because I usually don't like writing but I have really been enjoying these excercises.

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