Monday, January 24, 2011

Freewrite Questions Assignment

A freewrite to me is just a writing that you start jotting down what you are thinking about and not stopping.  You have no rules such as grammar or punctuation or anything for that matter. You just type and don't stop typing.  That is your only requirement.  It's a pretty easy thing to do.
Freewrite is meant to fascilitate stronger skills.  It's a very easy task and I really enjoy it.  If you do it on a regular basis, most of your writing will become much better through rewriting.  The good stuff you write will become better than any other method you use.
I found it very suprising that just writing jibberish really does help your writing skills.  I find it fascinating because I'm not a good writer, but my mind goes very fast so it should really help me get stuff down fast. So, in turn will help my writing skills:-)


  1. Hi Dina,
    This will be my first time with free writing. It sounds very freeing no pun intended. I really like being able to just write and not have to think about my spelling and all the grammar like I do even with this blog. I must admit that it is hard for me to imagine that my writing will get better by doing this, because who will be there to let me know when I have spelled something wrong or that my punctuation is off. In fact it’s going to be weird not stopping and checking or even changing things that I know I spelled wrong. I have to say that I have had to spell check a few things in this blog and I know that I have probably missed some grammar stuff, so this free writing will take some getting used to. Well I’m glad to hear that your enjoying it and the fact that even writing gibberish has helped you really makes me think that there might be something to this free writing, so thank you for all the info. Stacy

  2. Hi Dina,

    Easy and fun are exactly the point. If you enjoy what you're writing, the outcome of that writing will be stronger. For some, writing is the equivalent of getting teeth pulled; it's unpleasant, painful and something to just get through. Don't get me wrong; writing an essay isn't easy. But you have to at least enjoy your topic and what you're writing about. The freewrite helps facilitate that for writers; it helps them explore their ideas to find what matters. If you care enough about your topic and have enough ideas to write about, then the writing process is easier.

    I agree with you and Stacy; it does seem counter-intuitive that a freewrite can help you get better at writing. I think it comes down to practice. Just like those involved in sports need to practice before games, the freewrite helps us practice before writing essays.

    Thanks for giving me more to think about!

    Take care,

  3. Hi Dina,

    We share the same interest in the topic of free writing, I also enjoy to just let my mind go and jot down whatever comes to mind, sometimes when I go back and read it I am often surprised on my thought process. And other times I laugh and think "what was I thinking"... I hope that it does help you improve your writing skills and makes you become a better writer that you want to be!! Good luck!


  4. Emily,
    Thanks for responding to my post. I am glad we have the same interest in freewriting. Yeah, my mind just wanders and I start jotting stuff down. I do the same thing...laugh and think what was I thinking? I hope it improves my writing skills as well. I also hope that is helps you too:-) We can succeed together. Good luck to you too!

  5. I love to write about random things! Cuz i'm always thinking about soooo much thats its ridiculous not to get it all down on paper, so when i do freewrites or whenever i write its always super random but fun to look back on and then be like haha, why was i thinking that. Or it can bring something back that you forgot :)

  6. Hi Dina,
    I do agree with your on becoming better through freewriting as I experienced it in this exercises. I did freewriting first and this blog exercise later, so I had a practice of what to write in freewriting and as I was writing for the blog I didn't had any problem as I knew what to write.


  7. Hey Dina,
    I to feel like when I am writing I get going really fast. By using freewrites I can get them all down and sift through the clutter later.
    The more I do freewrites the more I seem to get out of each one. I think the thing I like most about freewrites are the freedom your not required to stick to the same topic.
